Tag Archive: Barack Obama

Trump: Obama and Clinton Traveled Through Time and Caused Great Depression of the 1930s

I have many friends, good friends, who told me. Many people are talking about it. I mean look, we’re talking about it right now. All of us. Thousands of people. In a room. It must be true.

Obama Announces He’s Deporting Mitch McConnell

“And Ted Cruz, I’ve got my eye on you!” WASHINGTON D.C. (SWP) In a prime time speech to the nation, President Barack Obama announced a bold move on immigration. “For the good of… Continue reading

Obama Cancels Campaign Trip to Focus on Ebola

President heads to White House Lab to work on cure WASHINGTON D.C. (SWP): President Barack Obama abruptly canceled a planned campaign trip Wednesday and proceeded to “hit the test tubes” in the lab until, in his words, the… Continue reading

State of Emergency Declared After 16 Summer Interns Die of Complete Boredom

As hopes fade, search continues for more survivors LOS ANGELES, CA (SWP): President Barack Obama responded to calls from Corporate America to declare a state of emergency, freeing up FEMA resources and funds… Continue reading

Obama Threatens Counter Suit Against Critics

“Somebody messes with me, I’m gonna mess with with him” MINNEAPOLIS, MN (SWP): Showing increasing defiance in the face of his critics, U. S. President Barak Obama yesterday raised the specter of a… Continue reading

Angry Lawmakers Demand Hearings on White House Paper Towel Usage

WASHINGTON D.C. (SWP):  Lawmakers, angered by reports that the White House uses several sheets of paper towels just to dry its hands, today demanded hearings over why the Obama administration pursues such a policy without consulting Congress.… Continue reading

Study Reveals Driver in Front of You Really Is a Complete Idiot

DETROIT, MI (SWP): No, it isn’t your imagination or some universal conspiracy. A new study from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) scientifically proves what you already suspected. The study, conducted over 24 months in 12… Continue reading

Obama Gives Birth to Alien Baby

Donald Trump: “I’m not surprised.” WASHINGTON D.C. (SWP) The United States has never confirmed any UFO or other extraterrestrial encounters. That is, until now. “Let’s be clear,” White  House spokesperson Jay Carney began… Continue reading

Obama Invites Putin to “Weed Summit”

Says need to “hash out” Ukraine standoff WASHINGTON DC (SWP): President Obama, harkening back to the controversial “Beer Summit” early in his first term, is again looking to a low key confab to… Continue reading

ENROLL OR STROLL: New Strategy for Obamacare

WASHINGTON DC (SWP): The president today unveiled a new health care push in response to ACA figures indicating that young people comprise only 24% of new health insurance enrollees. For Obamacare to work,… Continue reading