Tag Archive: Russia

Trump Admits Surprised U.S. Still Standing

“I thought we’d be out of business by now”

Trump-Putin Call Transcripts Leaked

“You said, Tatars. Tee-hee.”

The People Speak: Trump’s Secret Dinner Meeting

Putin? I thought that was that German guy, Angela something?

Paul Manafort Outraged that his Nefarious Dealings with Russia Labeled “Nefarious”

It’s a smear campaign by the Left.” MOSCOW (SWP): Is working to advance Vladimir Putin’s agenda ‘nefarious’? How about taking $12 million dollars in the process? Many seem to think so. The man… Continue reading

Obama Invites Putin to “Weed Summit”

Says need to “hash out” Ukraine standoff WASHINGTON DC (SWP): President Obama, harkening back to the controversial “Beer Summit” early in his first term, is again looking to a low key confab to… Continue reading

Snowden Agrees To Putin Deal

“Debug My PC and You Can Meet the Chicks in Pussy Riot” MOSCOW (SWP):  Edward Snowden has found a home, at least for a year, following occasionally tense negotiations at the back booth… Continue reading